Letters From Sarah, written by David Hickman, is a touching story following the letters between two friends whose life-long bond endures the years despite a thousand mile difference, many trials and tribulations, and even the walls of a maximum-security prison.
When Kyle Ayers, age seven, sends a friendly letter addressed to "any elementary school in Bangor, Maine" as a school assignment, a second grade teacher by the name of Jill Beverly, who receives the letter, introduces Kyle to who will eventually become his best friend. After deliberation amongst the teachers and a competition within Beverly's classroom, the letter finds its way into the hands of a young girl named Sarah Perish, and a friendship is born.
Currently, Letters From Sarah is updated daily, with each post introducing a new letter.
I could talk about it all day, or you could read it for yourself.
When Kyle Ayers, age seven, sends a friendly letter addressed to "any elementary school in Bangor, Maine" as a school assignment, a second grade teacher by the name of Jill Beverly, who receives the letter, introduces Kyle to who will eventually become his best friend. After deliberation amongst the teachers and a competition within Beverly's classroom, the letter finds its way into the hands of a young girl named Sarah Perish, and a friendship is born.
Currently, Letters From Sarah is updated daily, with each post introducing a new letter.
I could talk about it all day, or you could read it for yourself.
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