November 21, 1991 [Letter 6]

Dear Kyle,

    Gaba is a funny name. My grammas name is just gramma. I've never played with lincoln logs before. What do they do?
    My dad says that sometimes brothers and sisters have a different mom or dad. I'm sorry your sister does'nt live at gaba's. I would miss her if I had a sister who went away. Why dont you stay at home with your dad?
    Tomorrow we are going to a pizza night because it will be to cold again to go out. As soon as it is not to cold we are going to go get pancakes and hot chocolate.
    My dad sad to ask more questions for you. What is your favrit color? What is your favrit food? What do you look like? What is Georgia like? Why dont you like math? What other school things do you like other than math?
    My aunty is just a weird aunty. She is very funny.
    On Halloween we went trick and treating at school. It was really cold outside. All the teachers gave us lots of candy. I dressed up like a frog and hopped all over. What were you dressed up like?


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